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Belen e Iannone ?scaricati? dall?aereo per una sigaretta
XO is a globally trusted private aviation network offering worldwide access to more than 2,000 premium safety-vetted aircraft across all cabin classes.
un estratto:
JetSmarter requires Members and their guests to strictly adhere to the following rules of conduct in order to ensure a safe, friendly and respectful experience on flights arranged by JetSmarter and at JetSmarter sponsored events. These rules are not intended to restrict the rights of anyone but rather to ensure that all Members and their guests, as well as JetSmarter and aircraft operator personnel, can expect to be safe and treated with dignity and respect at all times. If any Member or guest of a Member engages in conduct that JetSmarter considers improper, offensive or likely to risk endangering the safety of other Members or their guests or JetSmarter or aircraft operator personnel, then such Member or the Member who invited the guest who engaged in such conduct may be reprimanded or his or her membership may be suspended or terminated without refund and without prior warning. All determinations will be made in the sole discretion of JetSmarter?s management.
In addition, if the conduct of a Member or any of such Member?s guest(s): endangers the aircraft or any passenger or property while on board; obstructs or hinders the crew in the performance of their duties; fails to comply with any instruction of the crew, including, but not limited to, smoking in any form (including electronic cigarettes, vaporizers and similar devices) or use of drugs or alcohol; involves the use of any offensive, threatening, abusive or insulting words towards the crew; or involves behavior which causes discomfort, inconvenience, damage or injury to the crew, then the crew may take such measures as it deems necessary to prevent continuation of such conduct, including restraint. A Member and/or such Member?s guest(s) may be disembarked and refused onward carriage at any point and may be prosecuted for offenses committed on board the aircraft.
quindi ? scritto bello chiaro che non si pu? fumare n? sigarette classiche n? elettroniche e che se non rispetti il regolamento puoi esser arrestato e sbarcato
circa l'autorit? del comandante il codice della navigazione dice
Art. 809 - Autorit? del comandante
Tutte le persone che si trovano a bordo sono soggette all'autorit? del comandante.
Art. 1095 - Inosservanza di ordine da parte di passeggero
Il passeggero, che non esegue un ordine concernente la sicurezza della nave o dell?aeromobile, ? punito con la reclusione fino a tre mesi ovvero con la multa fino a euro 206,00
ovviamente ci si pu? rifiutare di eseguire un ordine palesemente illegittimo, a rischio di arresto, ma solo in questo caso, diversamente il comandante decide e tu devi obbedire e dopo, se ritieni, esponi all'autorit? le tue eccezioni
e la ratio mi pare piuttosto semplice: in volo non ? che ci si pu? mettere a discutere su una disposizione data dal comandante come si discute su ddg
dopodich?, ripeto, non sono affatto esperto di navigazione aerea